Wednesday, April 16, 2008

An observation on Indian traffic

I read in the paper the other day that an official from the automotive industry was bemoaning that auto sales were down on last year. From ten and a half million the year before to only nine and a half million last year. That's 100 million vehicles every decade. And all the old ones are still on the road. While walking in Calcutta we noticed that the old Dalhousie Square in the city was being turned into a car park - the first one I've seen in India. Bad narrow roads, few new ones and nowhere to park. Gridlock cannot be far away and still no-one seems to have thought about planning. Now they are about to release for sale small cars for only a few thousand dollars so sales are expected to explode. Up in the hills here the roads are jammed with jeeps belching diesel - it has just about reached capacity here. And they want to cram more in over the coming decades. I shake my head.

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